Posts Tagged ‘Carolina Creations’

Craven Arts Council & Gallery in New Bern, NC, Calls for Participation in Bern Garden Plein Air Event – Deadline May 10, 2019

April 30, 2019

Join us for the first ever ‘Bern Garden Plein Air Event” in New Bern, NC, from 9am to 1pm on May 18, 2019. This new event will feature artists of all mediums creating and designing new works inspired by the natural beauty of New Bern at three locations: Union Point Park, Tryon Palace Outer Gardens, and the Master Gardeners Cooperative Extension Garden. Artists of all mediums are encouraged to apply at ( by May 10, 2019, to be a part of the event.

Organized by Craven Arts Council & Gallery, Carolina Creations, and the Craven County Master Gardener Association, the event is open to artists of all mediums and free for the public to attend. The artists will work on creations on site inspired by their surroundings at the three locations, with work on sale to the public. Artworks requiring drying/firing/finishing or other extended times will be offered for sale in the “wet paint” fashion common to other plein air events, allowing the customer to pay now and pick the work up at a later date when completed. Finished works by the artist will be featured in an exhibition at Carolina Creations June 14- June 29, 2019.

For more information please call 252/638-2577 or visit (

Carolina Creations in New Bern, NC, to Participate in Downtown ArtWalk – Nov. 9, 2012

November 8, 2012

Join us at Carolina Creations in New Bern, NC, for some refreshments and to see the new work we’ve gotten in for our Christmas Show “Make this a Handcrafted Holiday!” on view during the Downtown ArtWalk on Friday, Nov. 9, from 5-8pm.

Works by Clayton Dickson

The gallery will be displaying new pottery, ornaments, jewelry, wearables, candles, handmade soap, coasters, a New Bern puzzle, new Christmas angels by Shirley E., just to name a few!

As the season approaches we will be decorating our window and the entire gallery – for right now we have a few Christmas things up just to tease you!

We have Christmas cards by our resident artist Jan Francoeur and from 8 other artists. Each year for the past 18 years Francoeur has created a new Christmas card and ornament. A donation will be made to the Bank of the Arts toward the building fund for each ornament sold.

See Stan Harmons new crab panel, Geoffrey Lloyd’s beautiful new glaze, nautical jewelry by Barbara Vincent, new paintings by T Rader and and lots more.

Several of our artists live in the affected area from Hurricane Sandy and so we’ll be donating a portion of our sales during ArtWalk this coming Friday night to CERF – Craft Emergency Relief Fund.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Carolina Creations is located at 317 Pollock Street in downtown New Bern.

For further information call 252/633-4369, e-mail to ( or visit (

Carolina Creations in New Bern, NC, Gears Up for ArtWalk – Mar. 11, 2011

March 10, 2011

Carolina Creations’ second ArtWalk of the year is coming up Friday, Mar. 11, 2011, from 5-8pm, and we’ve got two featured artists!

First is Kay Coburn Rice doing a glass demonstration and the second is a book signing with Karen Dodd.

Glass artist Kay Coburn Rice of New Bern will be working with her torch demonstrating how she makes her glass sculptures and beads.

A New Bern native, Rice has recently returned to her hometown after spending many years in Texas. She has been working with glass for 11 years and torch worked glass for 7 years. She started out doing fused glass jewelry in a kiln while living in Texas.

Rice studied metal work for three years then found her true calling when she started working with a torch. She took classes with Kip Maley at  the Craft Guild of Dallas and developed her skill at making glass beads.

Most recently through her study with Josh Mazet Rice has developed her skill with torch worked sculptural Borosilicate glass. She has also studied with Corina Tettinger, Deb Crowley, Gail Crosman Moore and other accomplished glass artists.

Rice enjoys recreating things found in nature, especially flowers and fish and making jewelry with her fused glass and her lamp worked beads. Lamp working is a type of glasswork that uses a gas fueled torch to melt rods and tubes of clear and colored glass. Once in a molten state, the glass is formed by blowing and shaping with tools and hand movements. It is also known as flameworking or torchworking.

Lamp working has been done since ancient times but it came into prominence in Murano, Italy in the 14th century. Lamp working differs from glassblowing in that glassblowing uses a blowpipe to inflate a glass blob known as a gob or gather, inflating it by blowing air into the blowpipe, whereas lamp working manipulates glass either by the use of tools, gravity, or by blowing directly into the end of a glass tube.

In addition, local author Karen Dodd will be present to sign her new mystery novel, Bear With Me, Dear.

Dodd will be in attendance to answer questions about the series. This is the final book in her Riverwalk Mystery trilogy. The main character Fiona Wade, is a retired grandmother who loves a mystery. After discovering a body she begins her search for the murderer.

This is not a history book but you will recognize landmarks, specifically the New Bern bear statues. There are 10 photos of New Bern homes, the first 10 people who send in the correct addresses of the mystery houses will receive a free book of their choosing from the author.

The artist and author will be at Carolina Creations during ArtWalk so stop in and meet them, enjoy some refreshments, and see what else is new!

For more information call the gallery at 252/633-4369, e-mail at ( or visit (